Time is running out to turn your senior pictures in for the yearbook!! Don't wait till the last minute to get them done, the weather is very unpredictable this time of year.

EHS Due: December 7th
MHS Due: January 9th

Senior Session Pricing:
$70 One hour at first location with 30 minutes at add locations
(Max. Three Locations) Multiple outfit changes.
    Ever since I found my passion in photography, I have usually just offered 'on-location' portraits. Which means outside photography. I find it more my style, there's the trees, old barns, flowers, water & TONS more! The amount of backgrounds are infinate!
    Lately I've been looking at some fellow photographers studio (indoor) work. Studio sessions have a lot more to them compared to On-Location sessions. You have to get the lighting just right whether it's with lights or natural light from a window or door. Postioning goes right along with lighting, if your subjuect isn't postioned correctly there is most likely going to be shade on one half of him/her.
    Even though there is more work involved in working out of a studio. I have been looking into getting a space, backdrops, lighting, props, etc! I think it will be a wonderful challenge, that will help me grow in with my photography. It is also convinent in the Fall/Winter! Raining or snowing outside? Have no fear! Your studio is here! :)

What are YOUR thoughts on Tonya Marie opening a studio as well as doing on-location?